Free shipping applies to orders within Canada with a minimum pre-tax total exceeding $150. Basic shipping for orders less than $100 is $25. We ship with Canada Post. Please read the return policy for return details.
Free shipping and to orders outside Canada with a minimum pre-tax total exceeding $250. Any duties, taxes or tariffs are the responsibility of the purchaser. Basic shipping for orders less than $250 is $50. If tracking is required add $25. Please read the return policy for return details.
If we have your item in stock, it will be processed and shipped in 1-3 business days. We normally ship Expedited Canada Post.
If your item is a special order as noted on the website with “SPO” next to the product or a product is discontinued or out of stock at the distributor we will notify you prior to proceeding with your order. This happens from time to time with fashion color products or limited edition colors or prints, as well as seasonal offerings.
Please feel free to email if you have any questions or concerns. Or call our shop at 250-762-2154.
Shipping charges are calculated on checkout.